Edit the description's bibliography (Gaia Guide)

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Plantae: Tumbleweed (species: Salsola australis)

Other references

  • Buckley, R. (1988). Plant succession under repeated disturbance: establishment and growth of strandline forbs and creepers on unstable beaches in the wet tropics, Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia, 15: 307-311. LIRS catalog number 678.
  • Byrnes, N.B., S.L. Everist, S.T. Reynolds, A. Specht and R.L. Specht (1977). The vegetation of Lizard Island, North Queensland, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, 88: 1-15. LIRS catalog number 3.
  • Colvill, A., M. Ahmet, S. Clag and B. Haigh (2004). Lizard Island fauna and flora sampling report,Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service.. LIRS catalog number 10067.
  • De Sloover, J.R. and M. Dufre^ne (1999). Flora and vegetation of Turtell V, Turtell Islands Group (Queensland, Australia), Bull. Jard. Bot. Nat. Belg./ Bull. Nat. Plantentuin Belg., 67: 45-97. LIRS catalog number 577.