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  • Gregson, M.A., M.S. Pratchett, M.L. Berumen and B.A. Goodman (2008). Relationships between butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae) feeding rates and coral consumption on the Great Barrier Reef, Coral Reefs, 27: 583-591. LIRS catalog number 1143.
  • McNamara, M.K.A., R.D. Adlard, R.A. Bray, P. Sasal and T.H. Cribb (2012). Monorchiids (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) of chaetodontid fishes (Perciformes): Biogeographical patterns in the tropical Indo-West Pacific. Parasitology International,, 61: 288-306. LIRS catalog number 1604.
  • Pratchett, M. (2005). Dietary overlap among coral-feeding butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Marine Biology, 148: 373-382. LIRS catalog number 941.
  • Pratchett, M.S. and M.L. Berumen (2008). Interspecific variation in distributions and diets of coral reef butterflyfishes (Teleostei: Chaetodontidae), Journal of Fish Biology, 73: 1730-1747. LIRS catalog number 1205.