Leaden flycatcher (species: Myiagra (Myiagra) rubecula) in Carrai NP (Gaia Guide)
Myiagra (Myiagra) rubecula
Leaden flycatcher

©Anne: Male Leaden flycatcher (Myiagra (Myiagra) rubecula)

©Arthur Chapman: Female Leaden flycatcher (Myiagra (Myiagra) rubecula)

©David Cook: Male Leaden flycatcher (Myiagra (Myiagra) rubecula)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Monarchidae
Genus Myiagra
Species Myiagra (Myiagra) rubecula
Status least concern



Distinguishing features

It is a shiny lead-grey in colour with a brownish tinge to the wings, a bluish black bill, black legs and dark brown iris. The male has darker grey lores, and a white breast and belly, while the female has an orange-tan throat and breast with a white belly. The juvenile resembles the adult female, but with paler wing-edges. (Wikipedia)


  • From 14 cm to 17 cm (Length of specimen)


  • Wingspan data is not yet available.


Similar taxa


©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

The Leaden Flycatcher is found from King Sound in northwestern Australia, across the Top End to Cape York, and then down the east coast to central-southern Victoria. It is rare in Tasmania. It is highly migratory within this range. Sclerophyll forest, rainforest margins, mangroves and coastal scrub are the preferred habitats. (Wikipedia)

Audio recordings


Pre-dawn song phrase, recorded at Dharug National Park

© Marc Anderson


Pre-dawn song phrase, recorded at Dharug National Park

© Marc Anderson


It is insectivorous. A very active and agile bird, it hops between branches and catches insects in flight.

Web resources