Bell Miner (species: Manorina (Manorina) melanophrys) in Ben Boyd NP (Gaia Guide)
Manorina (Manorina) melanophrys
Bell Miner

©Leo: Bell Miner (Manorina (Manorina) melanophrys)

©Leo: Bell Miner (Manorina (Manorina) melanophrys)

©Lip Kee Yap: Bell Miner (Manorina (Manorina) melanophrys)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Meliphagidae
Genus Manorina
Species Manorina (Manorina) melanophrys
Status least concern



Distinguishing features

Distinguishing features still need to be specified.


  • From 17 cm to 20 cm (Length of specimen)


  • Wingspan data is not yet available.



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

It is endemic to southeastern Australia. �� It inhabits the upper canopy of tall Eucalypt forests.


The birds defend their colony area communally aggressively, excluding most other passerine species. They do this in order to protect their territory from other insect-eating birds that would eat the bell lerps on which they feed. (Wikipedia)


They were given their common name because they feed almost exclusively on the dome-like coverings of certain psyllid bugs, referred to as "bell lerps," that feed on eucalyptus sap from the leaves. The "bell lerps" make these domes from their own honeydew secretions in order to protect themselves from predators and the environment. They are also very likely to be named after their bell-like call.

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