Twotone Tang (species: Zebrasoma scopas) in Frankland Island Group, QLD (Gaia Guide)
Zebrasoma scopas
Twotone Tang

©Jiří Bukovský: Twotone Tang (Zebrasoma scopas)

©Dennis Polack: Juvenile Twotone Tang (Zebrasoma scopas)

©Sally Polack: Juvenile Twotone Tang (Zebrasoma scopas)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Perciformes
Family Acanthuridae
Genus Zebrasoma
Species Zebrasoma scopas



Distinguishing features

Small juveniles have yellowish bars and more prominent yellow specks than adults (FishBase).


  • Up to 40 cm (Standard Length)

Depth range

  • From 1 m to 60 m



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

Occurs in coral-rich areas of lagoon and seaward reefs. Graze on algae, usually in groups of around 20 individuals. Adults usually in small groups and sometimes schooling. Juveniles solitary and usually among corals (FishBase).

Web resources


  • Bellwood, D.R. (1988). Ontogenetic changes in the diet of early post-settlement Scarus species (Pisces: Scaridae), Journal of Fish Biology, 33: 213-219. LIRS catalog number 396.
  • Brandl, S.J. and D.R. Bellwood (2013). Morphology, sociality, and ecology: can morphology predict pairing behavior in coral reef fishes? Coral Reefs, 32: 835-836. LIRS catalog number 1718.
  • Brandl, S.J., A.S. Hoey and D.R. Bellwood (2013). Micro-topography mediates interactions between corals, algae, and herbivorous fishes on coral reefs. Coral Reefs, DOI 10.1007/s00338-013-1110-5. LIRS catalog number 1706.
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