Magnificent Sea Anemone (species: Heteractis magnifica) in Australian Fishes (Gaia Guide)
Heteractis magnifica
Magnificent Sea Anemone

©Alex Vail: Heteractis magnifica with fish Amphiprion perideraion at Cod Hole near Lizard Island

©Alex Vail: Heteractis magnifica with tentacles retracted

©Anne: Heteractis magnifica at Cod Hole near Lizard Island
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Cnidaria
Class Anthozoa
Order Actiniaria
Family Stichodactylidae
Genus Heteractis
Species Heteractis magnifica
Status unspecified



Distinguishing features

A large, spectacular anemone (30 to 100 cm diameter) with a brightly-coloured cylindrical "column" or body and numerous blunt tentacles all of similar length, up to about 75 mm. Colour varies, including blue, purple, green, orange, and pink. Occupies an exposed position. The tentacles are fully exposed when the column is relaxed and can be almost fully concealed when retracted into the column.


  • Size data has not been obtained.



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

Usually found attached to hard substrate in a prominent position

Local abundance

  • Lizard Island, Queensland, Australia: Not abundant in the Lizard Island area


Fautin and Allen (1992) list numerous damselfish symbionts for this anemone. In the Lizard Island area, its most common fish associate is Amphiprion perideraion.

Web resources


  • Fautin, D.G. (1984). Competition by anemonefishes for a preferred host actinian, American Zoologist, 24(3): 543. LIRS catalog number 193.
  • Fautin, D.G. (1985). Why do anemonefishes inhabit only some host actinians? "Proceedings of the Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti".5, : 373-377(?). LIRS catalog number 189.
  • Fautin, D.G. and G.R. Allen (1992). Field guide to anemonefishes and their host sea anemones Western Australian Museum, Perth, WA.
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