Tasmanian Devil (species: Sarcophilus harrisii) in Australian Mammals (Gaia Guide)
Sarcophilus harrisii
Tasmanian Devil

©Arthur Chapman: Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)

©Alan Couch: Damp and Happy Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Dasyuromorphia
Family Dasyuridae
Genus Sarcophilus
Species Sarcophilus harrisii
Status endangered



Distinguishing features

The fur is usually black, often with irregular white patches on the chest and rump.  �����The front legs are a little shorter than the hind legs. �����They have five long toes on their forefeet, four pointing to the front and one coming out from the side, which gives them the ability to hold food. Hind feet have four toes. Their claws are  �����not retractable. �����(Wikipedia)


  • Up to 70 cm (Head and Body) - applies to Males
  • Up to 65 cm (Head and Body) - applies to Females



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution: Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii)

Distribution and habitat preferences

They are found in all habitats on the island of Tasmania, including the outskirts of urban areas, and are distributed throughout the Tasmanian mainland and on Robbins Island (which is connected to mainland Tasmania at low tide).

The north-western population is located west of the Forth River and as far south as Macquarie Heads.

Their "core habitat" is considered to be within the low to moderate annual rainfall zone of eastern and north-western Tasmania. They particularly like dry sclerophyll forests and coastal woodlands. (Wikipedia)

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