genus: Dolichoderus in taxonomy (Gaia Guide)

Distinguishing features

Worker ants in this genus have a body length that is typically about four millimetres and can be recognised by their thick, inflexible and strongly sculptured integument. There is a flange on the underside of the head near the base of the mandibles which is saw-like in some species. The longitudinal suture in the central plate of the metathorax is deeply impressed. The propodeum or first abdominal segment has the posterior face distinctly concave when viewed from the side. The gaster and alitrunk are separated by a single segment, the petiole. The orifice of the cloaca is a horizontal slit rather than a circular opening. It is surrounded by a few rather stiff erect bristles. (Wikipedia)


  • Size data has not been obtained.


  • Wingspan data is not yet available.


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