Genoa River Bottlebrush (species: Callistemon genofluvialis) in taxonomy (Gaia Guide)
Callistemon genofluvialis
Genoa River Bottlebrush
Kingdom Plantae
Division Tracheophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Myrtales
Family Myrtaceae
Genus Callistemon
Species Callistemon genofluvialis

Distinguishing features

Spreading, multi-stemmed shrub; branches weeping at tips; bark papery. Leaves lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, mucronate, often slightly asymmetrical. Flower spikes usually with leaf-like bracts at the tip, around 6–10 cm long and 5–6.8 cm wide; axis hairy; hypanthium hairy; stamens 12–19 mm long, filaments and anthers pinkish-purple. Capsules 5–6 mm long, and around 6–9 mm wide. Flowers mainly Aug.–Nov. (Flora of Victoria)


  • Size data has not been obtained.


Distribution and habitat preferences

Known from a single population of around 10 plants growing along the upper Genoa River. (Flora of Victoria)

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