Photo of Animalia: species: Mantella viridis (Gaia Guide)
Mantella viridis © MantellaMan on Flickr

Mantella viridis

Green Mantella Nomenclature: Mantella viridis IUCN Red List: Endangered Country of Origin: Top-Northern Madagascar. Information: This species is 1 of 16 species in the Mantella genus all of which use Aposematism as a defence mechanism. Aposematism basically derives from the Greek words that mean "Warning Colours" a defence which has made another family of frogs famous, the Dendrobatidae family (Poison Dart Frogs). Like the rest of the Mantella genus, it is completely terrestrial and is not a fantastic swimmer, but will be found in and around swampy areas where it will also remain to breed. It's a shy member of the genus, unlike some Mantella species that are more bold and will venture out into the open. It is one of the most endangered out of the entire genus and can only be found in a few select places in Top-Northern Madagascar, in the Fôret d’Ambre Special Reserve, Montagne des Français, Antogombato, Andranotsymaty, Antsahampano, Ivovona, Anjiabe, Andoajampoana, Mangoaka, Antsiranana, Ankitsakalaninaombi, Daraina, Mahavavona, Joffreville, Francom and the island of Nosy Hara. It is one of the rarest and most at risk of extinction and one of the least kept species in the genus. © 2013 - Josh Ralph (These are copyrighted photographs, please ask permission before using)

Photo taken on 10 Aug 2013