Geographic Sea Hare (species: Syphonota geographica) in taxonomy (Gaia Guide)
Syphonota geographica
Geographic Sea Hare

©Erik Schlögl: Geographic Sea Hare (Syphonota geographica)

©Ria Tan: Geographic Sea Hare (Syphonota geographica)
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Mollusca
Class Gastropoda
Order Anaspidea
Family Aplysiidae
Genus Syphonota
Species Syphonota geographica

Distinguishing features

Syphonota differs from the other Aplysiidae genera, through the position of the rhinophores (head tentacles), which are further back, almost between the parapodial lobes. The parapodia, fleshy winglike outgrowths, come to a noticeable high point at the top of the animal.
The body coloration is whitish to green, with brown specks and a complicated network of white lines (hence the name 'geographica'). (Wikipedia)


  • Up to 17 cm (Length of specimen)

Depth range

  • Up to 7.5 m



©Atlas of Living Australia: Australian distribution

Distribution and habitat preferences

This species is found in the Indo-West Pacific oceans, off Western Australia, and the Mediterranean, and Red seas.

This sea hare lives in lagoons and bays on sandy substrates. (Wikipedia)

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